Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are provisions for make-up classes/refunds?

    For weather related disruptions we try making up the classes by providing add on classes on Sundays/other public holidays and basis experience we have been able to complete our designated quota of training hours each term

    Session missed by kids due to clash/no attendance due to non-medical reasons can't be made up individually/will not be refunded

    Prolonged absence (more than 4 classes missed) due to emergency circumstances/medical reasons need to be notified to the club through an email to and will be considered on a case to case basis for fee refunds

  • What are your rules for weather related disruptions

    HK weather is mercurial during the majority of the year. We follow the below rules.

    For training, a weather call is taken 2 hours prior to all training sessions and parents are informed through designated WhatsApp groups.

    1. Typhoon signal T8 and above, Red/Black Rain Storm Warning, Amber Rain Storm with Lightning Warning will cause a cancellation of the classes. This will be confirmed 2 hours prior to training through designated
    2. For other rain days then listed in point 1 above, we make use of HK Observatory Radar which provides predictions for weather 90 minutes in advance. If the weather is expected to clear up, we will go ahead with the session and the same will be informed to parents through designated whtsapp groups.

  • Who coaches the kids?

    We have hired accredited coaches from Hong Kong having a ACC/CHK level 0 or higher qualification. We also invite Hong Kong national team players to keep the kids updated on modern game techniques and mindset. You can find more about our coaches under the coaches section

  • What skills are focussed on?

    For the U11 age group, the focus is on learning with fun. The club's motive is to ensure the kids acquire the skills while enjoying the game, developing affinity to cricket organically as well as learn to operate in a team environment

    U13 the intensity increases where coaches challenge kids to apply the skills acquired.

    U15/U17 kids are prepared to adapt to a faster paced game, reducing mistakes and developing confidence to make them ready for a higher grade cricket.

    All kids get equal exposure to Batting, bowling and fielding drills irrespective of age groups

  • How are training levels assigned?

    Kids are assessed during the first few sessions by coaches. U11 kids start with soft balls (tennis balls) or incredible (108 grams with hard plastic shells) and move up to leather balls. U13, U15 and u17 kids are placed in respective groups or one lower grade basis comfort with the ball and reaction times. As kids acquire skills, they are gradually given exposure to 1 level up and are exposed to matches with 1 grade up.

  • What Age Group DB Smashers admit and train?

    We train kids between 6 years to 17 years of age. As per Cricket Hong Kong age is decided as on 1 Sept of each year.. Kids who are 6 or 6 plus or 17 years or lower as on 1st Sep are permitted to be a part of the club.